Make a Donation

Payment and Confirmation

We have been blessed abundantly over the years through the generous giving of many faithful supporters. Thank you to all who have made it possible for us to build schools, train teachers, feed thousands, pay for school fees, medical care and emergency needs.  We look forward to continuing to serve the people of BF for as long as they will have us! Should you wish to contribute to BFO, we believe we have made it quick and painless (relatively!). You can make a one-time or recurring donation by check or through PayPal. BFO, Inc. is an exempt organization as defined in Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code and, accordingly, donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by the law in your particular jurisdiction. Individuals outside of the United States may not be entitled to a tax deduction. Currently, 90% of your donations go to the outreach and programs directly impacting lives in Burkina Faso.
Donation Amount
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You have elected to make a one-time donation of $25.
You may make your donation by check, credit card or PayPal:
By Check
To donate by check, make your check payable BURKINA FASO OUTREACH, INC. and mail to:
10045 Lenor Drive
St. Louis, MO  63123  USA
By Credit Card or PayPal
To donate using a credit card or your PayPal account, click on the Donate button below, then enter your credit card information or your PayPal credentials. Your donation will be made immediately.